I was always fascinated by inks but scared of needles. I had this strongest desire to get something inked on my skin for lifelong. Something meaningful. The idea was to carry my past in future. My reminder in dire need. Something personal and that represents my life. The initial idea was to get an arrow and a semicolon symbol. Then thought to get them combined. This particular thought of having them never left my mind for years and one day I just went to a tattoo artist and told him what I want. So far I have four tattoos and each tattoo represent some or other thing from my life.
First tattoo : A broken arrow with a semi colon
Meaning : this is combination of two tattoos. One broken arrow which means life will pull you back to move forward even if you’re broken. That’s how arrow works. One is semi colon which says I could have ended but I still continued my story. I also write and it’s so important for writers to use this to say story could end but still continuing; It is also to support suicide prevention project. It always keeps me going whenever I am low I just look at this tattoo and it give me immense courage to go on. It pretty much sums up my life. (First one is always special.)

Second tattoo : Ampersand symbol (&)
Meaning : It represents broken infinity which means nothing lasts forever but it also represents it’s positive meaning which says there is always an 'and’! It helps me to see reality whenever I am stuck. It tells me life is always somewhere between. Always Grey.

Third tattoo : Maktub — an Arabic word
Meaning : It’s already written! Fate or destiny or whatever you call it everything is written! Each and every moment is already written. Makes me less worried somewhere. Sometimes this is the only answer of my so many questions.

Forth tattoo : OUM from a Gujarati scripture!
Meaning : source of universe. Eventually from where I belong! Ultimate source!

For now just 4 tattoos. May have more very soon! :)
Fifth tattoo : Anchor
Meaning : Sailors hope to return home in one piece. Without an anchor, a ship would be adrift on the vast ocean forever. Personally I always wanted something to hold on. To keep my steady and stable. An anchored in relationship.

Sixth Tattoo : Quotation mark
Meaning : It means life is unscripted and you have power to create your own story. For a wanna be writer it’s damn important. Life is all about what we say and it’s always between this quotation.